Executive Board of Directors

Dulce Kersting-Lark

Ashley Payton
Vice President

Brenda Bartholow

Mary Engels

Casey Johnson
Vice Treasurer
Community Partners & Resources
Parents of Moscow Day School​
BookPeople of Moscow - (208) 882-2669​
Master Gardeners Program
Latah County Library - (208)882-3925 - Public internet access
Moscow School District - (208) 882-1120
Moscow Food Co-op - (208) 882-8537
IdahoSTARS - IdahoSTARS is a joint project between the University of Idaho's Center on Disabilities and Human Development (CDHD) and the Idaho Association for the Education of Young Children (Idaho AEYC). The project is funded by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (DHW) and a Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG). IdahoSTARS services are being directed by staff members in seven regional offices and at the IdahoSTARS office at the University of Idaho in Moscow.
211 Idaho CareLine - 211 or (800) 926-2588 or text "83843" to 898211​ - ​Resource and service navigation for a variety of community resources
Alternatives to Violence of the Palouse - (208) 883-4357 -
​Domestic violence shelters​
Sexual assault counseling
Crime victim support
Behavioral Health Services - (208) 882-0562 - Mental health services for adults and children
Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho - (208) 882-3535 - Assistants with clothing needs, utility assistance, community action agencies, mental health services for adults and children and medical and vision assistance
Families Together for People with Disabilities - (866) 326-4864 - Disability-related support groups and parenting skills classes
Family Promise of the Palouse - (208) 882-0165 - Homeless shelter
Gritman Medical Hospital - (208) 882-4511 - Health education and mental health services
Idaho Department of Health & Welfare Region 2 - (208) 883-4529 - Cash assistance, disabilities assistance, emergency supports, food stamps and Medicaid
Idaho Public Health - (208) 882-7506 - Nutrition education, sexually transmitted disease screening, pregnancy testing and counseling
Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline - 1-208-398-4357 (call or text)
Latah County Sheriff's Office - (208) 882-3986
Moscow Food Bank - (208) 882 4813 - Tuesday through Friday 2:00-4:00PM
Moscow Police Department - (208) 882-2677 (non-emergency) medication disposal resource
Smart Transit - (800) 377-1363
Sojourners' Alliance - (208) 883-3438 - Transitional housing and homeless shelter
Willow Center for Grieving Children - (208) 791-7192 - Support groups and free single-day "Camp Erin" for children ages 6-17